By now, it should be obvious to anyone working on or investing in ML/AI that we’re currently in an AI “summer” — with the frothiness of the funding markets seemingly eclipsing that of the Web3 euphoria back in 2021.
Really great piece. Thanks so much sharing your ideas. I had been thinking on similar lines.
I think that impact of a) more capital than ever, b) SAAS timeline c) cost of AI vs VC fundsize d) size of big tech is pretty daunting if you don't take on non-traditional markets like energy etc...
This is a thoughtful piece. It seems to me the magnificent 7 ( msft, goog, AAPL, Amazon, meta, Tesla, nvda) are the new VC’s. the whole gen ai boom is fueled by them . It’s risky , but their folk are sophisticated and cash rich . They are now corpo-states. Corpostates. Probably fewer than 10 in this world .
VCs today can only and should only support a mousetrap that invests outside the greedy eyes of th
After further thought, do you see any areas, particularly in Education, with room for differentiation? Also, you mention whats 'next after AI', what time frame is your guess here? Ty
Really great piece. Thanks so much sharing your ideas. I had been thinking on similar lines.
I think that impact of a) more capital than ever, b) SAAS timeline c) cost of AI vs VC fundsize d) size of big tech is pretty daunting if you don't take on non-traditional markets like energy etc...
This is a thoughtful piece. It seems to me the magnificent 7 ( msft, goog, AAPL, Amazon, meta, Tesla, nvda) are the new VC’s. the whole gen ai boom is fueled by them . It’s risky , but their folk are sophisticated and cash rich . They are now corpo-states. Corpostates. Probably fewer than 10 in this world .
VCs today can only and should only support a mousetrap that invests outside the greedy eyes of th
After further thought, do you see any areas, particularly in Education, with room for differentiation? Also, you mention whats 'next after AI', what time frame is your guess here? Ty
I think something like education can be "redone" with AI so there are existing categories that get disrupted.
I'm fairly convinced that software/AI + world of atoms will be the next growth areas.